Thursday, March 11, 2010


Have you ever felt just down right bored? Of course you have. Well here is an activitie sent in by one of our readers that you can do while bored.

An Activitie for you and a few friends.

If you're too bored to play a "bored" game well here is a game that always requires imagination. What If. Every one sits down with a piece of paper. They each write a question on it that begins with what if. Such as " What if you were a pig for on day?"
Once everyone has written a question on their page they pass their page to the person to the left. Once you have recieved a new piece of paper you write an answer to the question on that page on the opposite side.Then you pick a person to start. Person A. reads the "What if" question on the page their holding.Then the person to their right (Person B. ) answers the question with their own answer that they had written.Then Person B. reads his question. Then Person C. answers, and so on...

well see Ya next time,
Goofy & Collie.

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